Saturday, March 18, 2006

I've noticed a couple of things today.
1. I bumped into a couple of folks today in Durham who I had not seen in a while and commented to both sets of offspring along the lines of 'haven't you grown'. It occurred to me that this is exactly what my great aunts used to say to me when I was little. At the time I remember thinking what a silly thing to say, but then children don't notice growing. As an adult bumping into children I now understand that height is the first thing you notice; especially if a child happens to be behaving him/herself, and as it is usually quite a striking difference it is very hard not to comment. Which I suppose means that I have finally grown up myself!

2. We are moving things around in the house becuase the kids are in desperate need of separate bedrooms. In theory they have this already, but because the rooms adjoin there is no real separation. Now the move is underway I am staggered by the sheer volume of stuff that we have. Jason always comments on our stuff quota, and it is true I have a pretty good hoarding instinct. I would like to point out though that so does my husband. So we are currently buried in boxes of stuff.

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