Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Elinor has been off school poorly today. Jason stayed home to look after her and when I made a couple of calls to check progress during the day it seemed that all was well, and Elinor hadn't moved much beyond the telly.

Still appearances can be deceptive, on returning home Elinor still claims extreme poorliness but it is Jason who has retired to bed ill. Elinor has found the time to bath the dog, and I have sniffed him and he does smell very fragrant, and has clearly had both shampoo and conditioner.

Elinor has also exhaustively tested the bounce on the sofa bed during a home disco for her and her soft toys. She also escorted the dog on a walk round the block. Now George is pushing her around the house in her dolls' pushchair because she is too ill to walk!!! Good job her brother isn't more of a detective or he'd have spotted the fact that all the pink panther wafer biscuits went very quickly once Elinor openend them - another tell tell sign of a serious illness? (maybe not) Methinks she will return to school tomorrow.

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