Friday, August 25, 2006

Did I help - probably not

I was on my way back to my car today, I'd left it in Jesmond, a nice part of Newcastle upon Tyne, kind of Knightsbridge of the north east I suppose..but quieter.

Normally I'm reasonably immune to pleas for money but today, a lady asked me for money just as I was about to get into my car. She was polite, and I had saved money all week by parking on the street, rather than in the more expensive and heavily monitored card park. So I fished in my bag and gave her my whole bag of change (that I keep for parking), I don't know how much money was in it, not more than £5 I expect.

Initially I supposed I was going to find £1, but I thought it was mean to count out coins. She said she had been trying to get £7 to stay in a hostel for the night and had tried the police, the probation service and lots of other places but I wasn't really listening.

It did strike me that I had never seen anyone so thin standing up. Her eyes were hollow and her skin very pale. I know she will spend the money on drugs or drink. I wish that wasn't the case, but my judgement is that is what will happen - unless it rains I guess. I just hope she gets some peace from whatever she uses the money for.

It troubles me that people end up asking strangers for money. I would like to think that someone would help me if I was in that situation. I feel guilty that I don't have the courage to engage in a longer conversation, but I doubt that I could help, and I didn't want to sound patronising. It was clear that whatever she did need the money for, her need was significantly greater than mine.

It makes me grateful for what I have. I am credit worthy so I can borrow money. I am employable so I can work and I am blessed with my health, and my family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that is one of the hardest calls. I cannot give to every person who asks - often I genuinely have no cash on me, as in none at all bar 10p or so. But the point is I do have money, even if not in my bag, I could afford to give to everybody who asked me but I don't. Why don't I? I supposed because I feel that money isn't the answer and I should be doing more, which is incredibly patronising of me, as the person asking probably doesn't want more.