Thursday, June 15, 2006

It's been a that everyone else has gone to bed I figured it was time to catch up on the blog. The trouble with the lighter evenings is that nobody under the age of 10 seems to realise when it is getting late and as it takes me a good hour or two of peace to wind down for the day I'm rapidly becoming completely nocturnal. Which would be great if I didn't have to get up and organise breakfast in the morning.

Mostly it has been a busy time since half term. This week quite a few extra people joined the business. And very good they are too. The chronic organiser in me wanted to get the office set up for them but it turns out they are way ahead of me. This morning a full sized fridge had appeared in the new office, complete with its own set of Top Gear fridge magnets. I certainly didn't have it on my top 10 things to get for the office but now I think of it I am rather attracted to the idea of popping in for a cool drink when I happen to be passing. I may even store something in the fridge just in case.

To show how easily pleased I am with little technical breakthroughs. I got the online BACS software working on Tuesday and it is going to save me so much time. Why on earth I ever agreed to pay everyone weekly is beyond me, but at least I don't have to handwrite all the cheques every Thursday evening...hooray. I've even set up a payment template so I only have to put in the amounts. Now this one little thing makes me smile whenever I think about it - so how sad am I?

Fudgee the dog had the op on Tuesday. Not sure if it is working yet but he is certainly very wary of going on car journeys with me.

The kids birthday party season is almost upon us so I have had my party bag planner hat on. Parties are booked and the invites are going out soon. If the kids can try to keep their rooms tidy and not wind me up EVERY evening by not going to bed they might even get to go to the parties themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realise you lived in my world? Why is it I am up (and wide awake) at 11.15 because it is the only time I get any peace, yet I will be up and supervising breakfast (for 5 children tomorrow - I thought I only had 3??!) at 7.30? And no, there is nothing wrong with finding peace in the little things....... it is the little things which keep me going LOL! And Elderflower recipe on its way.