Saturday, June 17, 2006

A few questions

1. Do you ever swap handbags just because the one you have been using has got so heavy that you can't face carrying it about all day...but you can't take anything out of it because you might need it later on?

2. Do you put things in such cunningly clever places that you can't find them yourself?

3. Do you spend ages trying to remember your super clever hiding place and then find a wonderful workaround, only to see the missing item the next time that you go into the room?

4. Do you write lists of the things your kids have done that annoyed you to see if they look as irritating when you see them written down?

5. Do you carefully write down someone's contact email and then lose it?

That's 5 out of 5 for me anyway. Today has been a particularly good day for 2 and 5. My desk looks like a bomb dropped and I still can't find my important bits of paper, which incidentally were somewhere in my incredibly heavy handbag. I'm going to leave the room now and wait for them all to re-appear.

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