Thursday, December 21, 2006

Just switched to new blogger software, another new password :-(
Spent four hours tidying up the house today. Didn't actually clean anything, but moved a lot of stuff around. Tis the season to be tidy.

Last day of term tomorrow. We're celebrating by going out for lunch and letting the kids go to kids club for the last time this term. I'm sure that the school carol service will be lovely but the church is just too small and unless you are prepared to get there half an hour early there is no chance of getting a seat. If you do sit down it is highly unlikely that your child will then be visible, such is the extent of overcrowding that occurs.

Sunday will be the church nativity and Christingle, now those I am looking forward to. I've even stuck cloves into some satsumas today just to give the living room that festive smell.

George has just appeared as he thinks he has a rat in his bedroom. So I now have to go and investigate. Having tried to tidy said bedroom today I can confirm that anything is possible.

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