Saturday, October 14, 2006

The perils of late night film watching

Just the other week I was complaining to someone at work about the tripe that they show on TV nowadays. 'All I want', I said, 'is non stop Pride and Predjudice'..and that sort of thing really. What with the recent stresses of hospital trips etc I've been having a challenging time unwinding of an evening, and my other half doesn't appreciate me reading into the late hours as my preference is to read in bed, and his preference is to sleep there.

Turns out my colleague has a large collection of all sorts of books and DVDs and the next day the following DVDs appeared on my desk.
1. Pride and Prejudice - the recent film version rather than the BBC one
2. Bride and Prejudice - the Bollywoodesque version
3. North and South - the BBC TV adaptation of an Elizabeth Gaskell novel and plotwise really a version of victorian Pride and Prejudice

So late at night, when everyone else has gone to bed. There I am glued to the TV watching these films. Bliss.

I heartily recommend watching all three. But I do have a warning for the North and South viewer, the full two DVD set is 233 minutes long. So, if like me, you start watching it at 10.45pm don't be surprised when it is 2.30am that you finally get to bed. Plus if you think Colin Firth has a good glare (you know what I mean), he is but an amateur compared to Richard Armitage in North and South.

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