Monday, July 10, 2006

Social Whirl

There is a strong danger that I may become totally overwhelmed with the volume of social engagements my children are attending over the next fortnight. I think I may need to give up sleeping in order to do some work.

This week we have 2 family birthdays, one family birthday party, two other birthday parties that the kids wouldn't miss for the world. Next week we have another family birthday. We've turned down another party; if any more party like post comes I'm not going to open it.

On the school side we have the Summer Fair, which requires prizes to be donated and my attendance is required to help on the stalls. The kids think they will get more spending money that way. ie if I am there I can part with all my cash so that they can go on everything. They also tried the 'if you are there do I get to go on everything for nothing' line.

Then there is the whole school trip to Holy Island requiring careful packing of small rucsacks to cope with all weathers, and a long bus trip, as parents aren't allowed. Normally I try to go on school trips as I know I can then take all of the other things the kids will want to have; but won't want to carry.

These are closely followed by Sports Day, Prize Day, end of term party day, end of term church service etc....there is probably something else.

The house is full of party bags, cakes, presents for various ages, shapes and sizes. My diary overfloweth.

I spoke too soon another invite has just arrived, hand delivered, a rather lovely invite, which again cannot be refused. Hand delivered at 8.34pm

As an aside I have a feeling that my hairdresser has read this blog, either that or she is telepathic (quite likely). I was on the back foot as I got the appointment time wrong and had to be telephoned to remind me to go the four doors up the road to get my hair cut. In advance of the appointment I'd been revving up to ask for a 'bit less drama on the colour front' and had hardly stepped inside when I was told that my hair would stay 'a more natural colour' this time. Spooky. Thanks Trysh ;-)


Anonymous said...

Okay, I think a spot in the field upon which you can lie is insufficient. I will endeavour to arrange a feather bed, a bath of asses milk and a personal massage by David Beckham. On the other hand Stuart says he has plenty of Chardonnay LOL! Hope you can make it on Saturday


Jenny said...

Have received two more party invites since last posting. Kids survived Holy Island without falling down any holes (Jason's joke!). Elinor is now doing the design work for her birthday cake. Can you spellcheck a cake?