The picture on the left is of a Mantis Rotovator, this saves so much time digging, theoretically you can use it between rows of plants for weeding! But from personal experience that usually results in my plants looking like a hurricane has hit them and all their tops get chopped off.
I do extreme gardening. This means:
1. Rotovate almost everything
2. Plant things
1&2 can happen in one weekend
3. Ignore everything for weeks
4. Admire how the weeds are nearly as big as the plants I planted.
Somehow it seems to turn out ok. I really annoyed my dad last year when I ignored the potatoes he'd given me for months, and then got about four times the quantity of spuds as a result.
The classic example of extreme gardening is our 12 rhubarb plants. I've been ignoring them for years and they always come up like huge triffids. If I can see them over the weeds I might even take a picture.

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